Let the infinite wisdom of the Tarot reflect and inspire your innate creative power

Why work with the Tarot?

The tarot offers us language to bridge the everyday experiences of our lives with the underlying, metaphorical significance they may point towards…

…by revealing signs, symbols and patterns we can begin to recognize & understand the stories we are telling about our lives.

The Motherpeace Tarot

The deck used for all readings is The Motherpeace Tarot created by Karen Vogel and Vicki Nobel. It is based on the traditional 78 tarot card series with a special focus on honouring the feminine and opening channels for Goddess connection.

Throughout all readings, I reference the Motherpeace Guidebook by Karen Vogel and offer her beautiful reflections on each card depending on its meaning, orientation and position in your unique spread.



Each Tarot reading is done by me prior to your scheduled Reflection Session. You will receive your Digital Tarot Map (a digital rendering of your specific card layout) to review before the session. During your session, we will discuss the descriptions of each card, interpret their meaning in relation to your question & reflect on the significance of the reading as a whole.

Example of a Digital Tarot Map

Every reading includes:

    • Your unique Tarot spread reflecting your Inquiry at that moment in time

    • Your cards will be pulled intuitively (or may jump right out!) and arranged in the layout you have chosen for your inquiry

    • Each spread will reveal different aspects of the journey you are on depending on your intentions and the context of each reading

    NOTE: Each spread is pulled privately, prior to our LIVE Zoom reflection call

    • Digital rendering of your Tarot spread emailed to you prior to your scheduled session

    • I will create your Digital Tarot Map with images of each card, their orientations and placement, which serves as a record of your reading for future reference as you continue to explore the patterns and themes along your ongoing journey

    • NOTE: You must complete the Tarot Reading Inquiry Form at least 48 hours prior to our LIVE Zoom call in order to receive your Digital Tarot Map before your session

    • LIVE 1 hour call via Zoom

    • The 1:1 session following your reading supports the integration of your tarot reading into your life in meaningful and practical ways. This is where we investigate any images, symbols, or other significant aspects of the cards and layout as a whole, and open the space for any specific messages to come through and connections to be made.



“Meghan’s tarot sessions are full of insights, magic and new ways of looking at recurring, stuck patterns. She supported me with both amazing tarot sessions and her beautiful counsel through my conscious conception journey. I don’t think of myself as someone easily able to access my connection to source, but while working together I was able to feel a connection with a spirit baby and knew I would conceive on the very cycle I did. Meghan is a wise soul able to find meaning, beauty, and connection in life and possesses the rare skill of translating that for others.”

— Sophie A.

Whatever path you are on, at whatever point in your journey, it is an honour to explore what the tarot has to show you together.

Want to get to know each other first?